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Animated or Real - Dog Movies are Loads of Fun!

Here at W4FREE, we have a bunch of movies where pets and animals take the lead. From comedies to animated movies, our four-legged friends are dominating our repertoire.

Let us present you with two dog movies and we want you to let us know what you think via Facebook and Twitter.

Ozzy is our number one dog movie on W4FREE. As an animated movie, it is family-friendly and designed for all ages. At the same time, this is a movie that teaches as well as entertains. 

Produced in 2016 by Alberto Rodriguez, this movie follows the drastic lifestyle change for Ozzy, after his family gets an invitation for a trip to Japan. Ozzy has to stay behind and his owners decide to put him in a dog hotel until they come back. But this so-called hotel for dogs isn't exactly what his owners were expecting it to be as Ozzy ends up in a dog prison, with extreme limitations and restrictions, making his life extremely difficult. Not used to this kind of environment, Ozyy is devastated by the way the other dog guards and warden treat him and the other inhabitants of the “hotel”. Luckily, he makes some new friends and they band together creating a plan on how to escape this terrible place. 

The other canine movie we would love you to view is In The Doghouse. Here, children are trying to stop their mom from finding them a new dad after their parents have divorced. The dog in the family is helping to fight off the newly selected father figures but mom wins the lottery and this is when the real trouble starts, in the form of an old college boyfriend who has signed a pact with their evil grandmother and forces himself into their lives. Will the children and their dog finally win? Will their parents get back together again? Full of twists and turns, this movie is fun for the whole family.

W4FREE is a free VOD platform which offers these family-time movies at no charge. Spend some quality time with your loved ones and enjoy our special selection of family-friendly movies, that are not only fun, but also have a lesson for us all.