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By Guest Reviewer The Creepy Concierge 


‘Sssshhh. What was that? In the dark? Did you see that? Did you hear that voice? Did you see that chair move? Is anything really scary ever going to happen?’ 


Camcorders have a lot to answer for.  And, although we love you, I’m looking at you Sony, Panasonic and JVC. Not to mention makers of CCTV everywhere. Apart from documenting the rise of little Johnny, amongst other things, more than one enterprising filmmaker has found themselves compelled to press the little red record button while pointing the camera at other things, equally terrifying. 


Mathew Bolton’s THE PARANORMAL INCIDENT (2011) snuck its way onto the big, and probably much smaller screen, in 2011 in the wake of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY to…well…less acclaim. But is it really a lesser film? It depends on what you, dear viewer, want from your portion of the found footage film trifle. Camera shakes and roving POV’s are de rigueur for the genre and there’s plenty of that here.  Jump scares, some earned, some not, are also bountiful as well as some profanity and the typical green hued ‘Did you hear that….’ style shenanigans. And if that’s all you’re looking for then you should get what you want from this low budget supernatural shocker.


Production values are no better or worse than you might expect from the genre. Cinematography is about where it should be with the right amount of multi-camera coverage and a healthy allocation of digital glitches and frame jumps for your viewing pleasure. Throw in a young attractive cast exploring dark corners for remaining traces of the long-time dead and a bit of, er, privacy, and THE PARANORMAL INCIDENT might light your candle.  Beyond that? Well, you get what you pay for or, in this example, what a major studio didn’t.  


All told it’s a reasonable enough timewaster and you have to give the cast and the production team points for trying, even if the whole is a little less than the sum its parts. That said, if you’ve got a spare hour or so, try it, you might like it. You might even find something in the footage I didn’t. If you’ll pardon the pun.



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